Troy Beechner——美国RCT Systems公司电力系统部工程副总裁

创建时间:2023-03-02 15:21


Troy Beechner是电力电子和电力系统领域的专家。在佛罗里达大学获得电气工程学士和硕士学位后,他直接投身于他的第一段从业经历,但他也很快决定继续在伦斯勒理工学院攻读电气工程博士学位。在博士期间和获得博士学位之后,他相继担任了多种工程职务。2019 年以来,他担任美国 RCT Systems 公司电力系统部工程副总裁,负责先进电源变换器系统的开发,主要研究宽禁带器件变换器设计、能源系统和新一代中压变换器架构。在此工作期间,他成为DSIM的首批使用者之一。


RCT Systems正在开发一种兆瓦级的固态变压器(SST),由24个独立的电力电子变换器组成,同时采用了非隔离和隔离拓扑,需要超过240个独立开关元件。此外,分布式控制体系结构比较复杂,需要不同变换器之间进行精确的配合。由于所需开关元件的数量庞大,这种类型的变换器系统给常用的电力电子仿真工具带来了困难,仿真耗时对于电力电子设计来说难以接受。”

RCT Systems is developing a MW-scale Solid State Transformer (SST) that is comprised of 24 individual power electronic converters, utilizing both non-isolated and isolated topologies,which requires more than 240 individual switching elements. Additionally, the distributed control architecture is complex, requiring precise timing across operating converters. This type of converter system poses difficulties for standard power electronic converter simulation packages, given the sheer quantity of required switching elements. The resulting simulation times are simply much too long for an efficient design process.”



“DSIM offers significant advantages when simulating complex power converter topologies and controls in terms of reduced simulation times. What would typically take hours with a standard simulation package can be simulated in minutes with DSIM. This allows RCT design engineers to be much more efficient with individual converter design changes and allows for a much wider range of design space exploration that would otherwise be much too time-consuming.”



“DSIM has also allowed for reduced NRE costs associated with the complex system design tasks and gives RCT an advantage when developing new complex systems.”